Man dies at Queenstown mountain bike park

A 57-year-old Nelson man has died at a mountain bike park near Queenstown this morning.

Sergeant Keith Newell said police, fire and St John paramedics were called to the Seven Mile Bike Park on the Queenstown-Glenorchy road about 9.45am following reports a man had fallen from his bike.

The man died on the track despite the administering of CPR by members of a group riding with him, and then by emergency personnel.

Sgt Newell said the death, which occurred on a section of track about 30 minutes' walk from the Seven Mile Reserve car park, had been reported to the coroner.

St John acting Queenstown station manager Keith Raymond said the sudden death appeared to a medical event rather than a consequence of the fall.

The park consists of a network of trails between the Seven Mile Reserve and Wilson Bay car parks.

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