Keeping the pressure down

Queenstown Rotarian Tony Robins (left) with St John Wakatipu ambulance officer Steve Murch at New...
Queenstown Rotarian Tony Robins (left) with St John Wakatipu ambulance officer Steve Murch at New World on Saturday. Photo by Tracey Roxburgh.

Ambulance officers spent from 10am to 4pm at New World on Saturday giving residents and visitors free blood-pressure checks.

St John Wakatipu team leader Alana Reid said more than 150 people took the opportunity to have the check on Saturday - the first time the Stroke Foundation's Down With Blood Pressure campaign had been held since 2009.

The checks were held in conjunction with Wakatipu New World and Rotary, who helped with the "meet and greet" side of the day.

"Blood pressure is one of the major risk factors for stroke - it's something people can do something about, changing lifestyle, diet and controlling diabetes or moving on to medication to reduce the incidence of stroke," Ms Reid said.

"We want people to know they have a blood pressure, we want them to know what their blood pressure is, and then to maintain a healthy blood pressure."


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