A $200 instant fine will be issued if "freedom camping" rules are broken, the Department of Conservation (Doc) Wakatipu area office warns.
The department advised last week it will actively enforce freedom camping rules on public conservation land this summer, following the introduction of the Freedom Camping Act 2011.
The Wakatipu and Wanaka offices placed signs in all vehicle accessible reserves and conservation areas where freedom camping was inappropriate.
Symbols on signs meant either absolutely no freedom camping for anyone within 200m, or freedom camping was allowed within 200m, but only for self-contained vehicles.
Doc Wakatipu area manager Greg Lind said people found breaking the rules could receive the $200 instant fine.
The penalty could also happen if people dumped rubbish, lit campfires, damaged plants or inappropriately toileted anywhere within 200m of the signs.
The maximum penalties were higher for dumping campervan toilet waste - up to $10,000.
Doc camp grounds in the Wakatipu include Twelve Mile Delta, Moke Lake, Kinloch and Lake Sylvan.
There are several Doc camp grounds on the highway between Wanaka and Haast.
Freedom camping may be in a tent, caravan or any type of motor vehicle including campervan, car or house-truck. Freedom camping does not include back-country tramping, day visitor parking, or short stops at night to avoid fatigue.