The Queenstown Lakes District Affordable Housing Working Party will adopt three more members - from the tourism, real estate and building industries.
This week's QLDC Strategy Committee received a report suggesting the new members be added to the party, which was established in January.
The purpose of the party was to implement the policies of Plan Change 24 - Affordable and Community Housing.
Policies of the plan change included providing affordable housing in urban settlements while protecting environmental values, ensuring demand generated by these housing developments is met and ensuring the housing is of high quality.
The working party is made of appellants to PC24 as well as members of the QLDC Community Housing Trust, the finance sector, the construction industry, a chairman and councillor Leigh Overton.
On May 8, the working party chairman Peter Salmon reported that plan change 24 alone was not a sole solution and the working party would have to "bear that in mind".
"Having read the plan change in its entirety, it would appear that some of the statements in the plan change have been expressed too broadly," he said.
"This would appear to be the source of concern expressed so strongly by some."
He suggested several more policies be added to the plan change, such as affordable housing for the long term.
Several "policy and implementation suggestions" were also made. These included visitor tax, rates funding, adequate land supply, incentives to develop at higher density, stakeholder agreements, real estate turnover tax and council purchase of land.
He said there had been a consensus within the working party that three more people be added, from the tourism, building and real estate sectors.
The new members would be added midway through the month.
Committee member Simon Stamers-Smith said government policies around affordable housing were still unconfirmed.
"I'm concerned central government will take over affordable housing after we have gone ahead," he said.