Christchurch developer Buzz March is hoping to create a 15-lot subdivision on Arthurs Point Rd.
He has applied to the Queenstown Lakes District Council for resource consent for the residential allotments in the rural general, rural visitor and low density residential zone at 131 Arthurs Point Rd.
His application, made by Bruce McLeod, of Aurum Survey Consultants, says the subdivision would be west of Stormcat Lodge near Coronet Plaza.
"We achieve compliance of all site and zone standards.
"All allotments are more than the 800sq m minimum and are in keeping with the low density residential zone," he said.
The site did not have any unique vegetation or landscape values worthy of protective measures, he said.
"The proposed subdivision will not create any significant adverse effects on the environment [and] will create added demand on services and infrastructure.
"However, the site is zoned accordingly and therefore the demand is foreseeable," he said.
Lakes Environmental planners have asked for more information, including a traffic report.
The application is being processed on a non-notified basis.