Remarkables Park Ltd and Shotover Park Ltd co-managing director Alastair Porter made a submission on the Queenstown Lakes District Council's draft annual plan asking ''that provision for ... $200,000-$400,000 be allocated for the works required for further Kawarau River bank stabilisation and other improvements relating to the lower trail''.
The Kawarau River Trail, which was built by the Queenstown Trails Trust, is on land owned by the district council.
Mr Porter said the trust had done ''an amazing job providing the trail'', and it was unfortunate there had been slips.
He said as Remarkables Park Ltd was nearby, the company saw how many people used the trail. He said yesterday RPL and SPL could fund some of the repairs, provided the council agreed either to pay back the loan or give a development levies credit.
''We would be prepared to underwrite the full cost ... on the basis that we would also seek out what other sources are available.
''Other companies might also be willing to be involved, and ''we would be more than happy to be partners''.