Hawea Flat school gets funding for classrooms

An artist's impression of the new Hawea Flat School's classrooms.
An artist's impression of the new Hawea Flat School's classrooms.
Upper Clutha schools keep expanding as rolls around the district continue to grow.

Hawea Flat School is the most recent Queenstown Lakes school to benefit from funding initiative provided by the Ministry of Education, with two new classrooms to be built this year.

A budget of about $370,000 had been allocated to the project, a ministry spokesman said.

Resource consent has been received from the Queenstown Lakes District Council to construct two classrooms, a group area and a new toilet block for the school.

Hawea Flat Primary School principal Sue Heath said confirmation of the new buildings was great news for pupils.

"We are very pleased that the Ministry [of Education] has been proactive and recognises that our school is growing."

Funding for one classroom was authorised by the ministry last year, but predicted roll figures pointed to the need for a second classroom.

"We've been operating five classes of pupils out of four on-site classrooms," she said.

There were already enough pupils to move into the first classroom, which hopefully would be completed by the second term, Mrs Heath said.

The second classroom would help cater for the forecast roll of 140 pupils by the end of 2009.

School representatives were also in negotiation with the ministry for funding to cover infrastructure upgrades such as septic tanks and toilet facilities, Mrs Heath said.


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