Grant boost for abuse prevention network

The Wakatipu Abuse Prevention Network has received a $66,000 operational grant from the Central Lakes Trust, to be paid over the next 12 months, which will help it provide an improved level of service and safer working environment.

WAPN, which recently merged with the Central Otago Women's Support Link, was one of 43 recipients of grants in the April-June 2010 quarter, which totalled $1,273,895.

That represents a significant increase from the same period last year, when 26 applications totalling just over $750,000 were approved.

Trust chief executive Paul Allison said the grants highlighted the trust's commitment to maintaining important financial support for agencies in the region which provided essential social services.

The latest round of grants included 20 operational grants being approved to assist community groups with their annual operational costs.

Several Queenstown-based organisations featured prominently, including Disabilities Resource Centre ($20,000), Families First Trust ($40,000), Happiness House Trust ($36,000), Citizens Advice Bureau ($12,500), Presbyterian Support Southland ($32,000), Salvation Army Wakatipu ($20,000) and Wakatipu Victim Support Group ($7980).

St Patrick's Church, Arrowtown, received $15,000 towards carpeting the church and the cost of installing interpretation panels outside the church and the Mary MacKillop Cottage.

It was anticipated the restoration of the cottage and church would be finished by October.

Mountain Safety Wakatipu received a grant of $4083 for locator beacons and GPS systems, while the University of Third Age Wakatipu secured $2000 for a data projector.

The three largest grants approved by Central Lakes Trust during the past quarter were $150,000 to the Central Cultural Centre Trust for the installation of internal public toilets in its Central Stories building, $120,000 to the Upper Clutha Tracks Trust for the extension of two tracks, and $100,000 to Wanaka Primary School for its proposed hall, which will also be available for community use.

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