Some signs which relate to the former give way rules, which were abandoned in March this year and replaced with a more international-friendly system, could be removed as a result of a report to Queenstown Lakes District Council.
Tomorrow, the infrastructure services committee will discuss a report by the council's asset management engineer, Andrew Edgar, which advises the removal of three Gorge Rd signs and recommends the installation of a give way sign on an intersection at Douglas and Humphrey Sts.
Gorge Rd features three left-turn lanes where, in the past, left-turning vehicles were required to give way to those turning right.
Under the new rules, right-turning vehicles must now give way, contrary to what the current give way signs advise.
Regarding the Douglas and Humphrey Sts intersection, the report says the "change in give way rules allows the council to reconfigure the intersection that effectively allows the same movements, but will also slow vehicle movements through the intersection and reduce confusion".
The report said the effect for left-turning vehicles would be minimal since drivers no longer have to give way to right-turning vehicles.