Hawkshead owner Denis Marshall said vineyard owners were laying out new nets over a Pinot Gris block when the wind sprang up from nowhere.
"We were taking a break at about 3pm on a stunningly beautiful day with not a breath of wind when suddenly the nets lifted high above the vineyard and started dancing in the sky.
"It [the wind] also caught hold of about six big green bags we had taken the nets out of, and one of them went about 500m straight up into the sky and disappeared in the direction of Mt Rosa, while the others hovered about 150m above us like parapentes.
"It was pretty scary but the effect was amazing," Mr Marshall said.
The whole event was over in a few minutes, but it was long enough for a photo to be taken.
Mr Marshall said fortunately there was no damage to the nets, which were expensive and provided protection against birds.