Funeral service for slain publican this afternoon

The funeral of former Upper Clutha Rugby Club member and Central Otago cricketer David White will be held at the Wanaka Districts Club today at 3pm.

Mr White (42) was killed by a blow to his head on July 3 while trying to break up a fight between two women at the Little Wanganui Hotel, where he was the publican.

A 38-year-old Karamea woman, who has name suppression, has been charged with manslaughter and has been remanded by the Christchurch District Court to reappear on July 22.

Mr White lived in Wanaka from the late 1970s.

He moved to the West Coast with his partner Kirsty Barkman several years ago.

He is the father of Jessie May (4) and the son of Jim and the late Daphne White.

An earlier service for Mr White was held at Little Wanganui on Monday.


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