Just about every household item you could imagine, many of them donated by Wakatipu residents and picked up free by their neighbours, was available at the annual Spring Giveaway, at City Impact Church, on Saturday.
More than 100 people of all ages stood patiently at the rope barrier for up to 45 minutes for the giveaway to begin at 1pm.
Children's clothes and toys were highly sought-after.
Highly desirable "hot items", including a DVD player, power drill set and mountain bike, were raffled.
Pastor Daryl Watson said yesterday the giveaway was his first at the Frankton church and the event had gone well.
About 300 people had come and gone during the family fete.
"People's generosity blesses others who are struggling. It's good to be a church to facilitate people's generosity."
Virtually all items had been snapped up and what was left would be handed to Wakatipu charity shops.
Mr Watson said the tally from a public collection for the Christchurch mayoral earthquake appeal was not yet available.