Five 'idiots' arrested for drink-driving

Five "bloody idiots" were arrested for drink-driving in Queenstown at the weekend, Sergeant Brian Cameron said.

"It's very disappointing that despite all the advertising and society's abhorrence of the drink-driving culture, it seems the message isn't getting through to the bloody idiots who do it."

A 19-year-old Queenstown man allegedly recorded 685mcg on Church St at 4am on Saturday.

A 26-year-old Irishman living in Queenstown allegedly recorded 796mcg on Frankton Rd at 2am yesterday.

A 29-year-old Christchurch man was stopped on William St at 3am.

A blood sample was taken for analysis.

Sgt Cameron said the man called his friend to give him a ride but she was also processed for drink-driving when she picked him up.

The 19-year-old, from Queenstown, allegedly recorded 494mcg at 4.20am.

A 19-year-old Wanaka man allegedly recorded 524mcg on Isle St at 5.15am yesterday.

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