Film review: Riddick

A decent, or even satisfactory ending, would not have gone amiss in Riddick's latest show of guns and glory.

Much like the landscape in which Riddick finds himself, the plot is empty.

But what the third installment of The Chronicles of Riddick film series will be remembered for is the unbelievable ending - unbelievable for the lack of thrill.

What began as a promising tale of Riddick's survival on a planet home to hideous creatures quickly became soft and stalled.

And when the credits hit the screen, disbelief remained slapped on faces during the shuffle out of the cinema.

With Vin Diesel's infamous physique, a cacophony of thrashing muscle against muscle could have at least been an option.

And when extra mercenaries arrived on Planet Wasteland, there was a feeling it was going to shift up a gear but Riddick, the wanted murderer, had become soft.

Action sequences were stalled and few, especially considering the film's idea wasn't spectacular, and there were few characters who were far from complex.

With a chunk of the film featuring only one human actor semi-capable of speaking, Twohy should have tried harder to allow viewers into the mind of Riddick, or to become immersed into the film's landscape.

The lack of dialogue could have been an advantage, emphasising the loneliness and vastness of the place on which Riddick found himself.

However, those familiar with Vin Diesel know his facial expressions change little through his alleged emotions - in fact at times Planet Wasteland's rocks communicated more emotion.

Perhaps the film could have included another female character to add some depth.

Flashbacks to more memorable editions of the Riddick series - which were scattered in odd places - were perhaps not the best move when the present edition's own story line was deeply lacking.


Riddick (R16)

Starring: Vin Diesel (Fast and Furious Six), Jordi Molla (A Gun in Each Hand), Matt Nable (Underbelly - TV Series).

Director: David Twohy (A Perfect Getaway).

Screening: Reading Cinemas Queenstown.  

2 stars (out of five)


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