In April 1871 the Lake Wakatip Mail carried an article about the first show held by the Wakatip Agricultural and Pastoral Association - described as ''an epoch in the history of the district which will advance no insignificant influence in advancing agricultural interest''.
The show was held in Mr F. McBride's yards at Frankton Flat with a large turnout, ''among whom it was gratifying to notice a number of ladies'', the article said.
''As might be expected, a few complaints were made as to the justice of some of the awards; but generally speaking they gave satisfaction.
''It would be advisable, however, at future exhibitions to obtain, if possible, the services of judges outside the district.''
An Otago Daily Times report from December 2, 1904 reported the first show held under the auspices of the newly-formed Lake County Agricultural and Pastoral Society was held the previous day at Ayrburn Station, near Arrowtown, and attended by about 1200 people.
That report said there were large entries, with the horses being ''a particularly good lot''.
Mr Stevenson, of the Crown Terrace, took the prize for the ''best mare on the ground'', while Mr C. D. Dagg won first prize for ''a nice-looking grey pony''.
The 100th show will hark back to its roots while embracing some more modern elements, including special ''Bloke's Only'' categories, including cake baking, pie-making, flower arranging and a challenge to ''create something impressive with wine and beer bottle tops''.
Fashion through the Ages will be the show's version of Fashion in the Field.
Entrants will dress from their favourite decade over the past century and judging will take place at 11am.
A ''celebrating 100 years'' photography competition will also be held .