Queenstown Lakes District Council is backing a private developer's marina proposal - right in the middle of the project's resource consent process.
Lakes Marina Projects Ltd has applied for consent to build a $10 million, 195-berth marina on Lake Wakatipu's Frankton Arm, off Sugar Lane.
Three days of hearings were held before independent commissioners last year and the hearing resumes today.
The council said on Friday it had ''resolved to proceed with a new marina at Frankton''.
The statement said the marina would provide an important piece of recreational infrastructure, without needing ratepayer funding.
Council staff have been authorised to conclude negotiations with developers.
A development and lease agreement will enable the marina to use the Frankton marina reserve, while maintaining public access to the Frankton track.
QLDC chief executive Adam Feeley said: ''The council's view is that this is a sound proposal and we hope to conclude a mutually agreeable proposal with the developers.''
By David Williams.