Cabin owner accuses council of 'skulduggery'

Cabin owner Lucy Bell says she would rather have it demolished than leave it for the Queenstown...
Cabin owner Lucy Bell says she would rather have it demolished than leave it for the Queenstown Lakes District Council to rent out at market rates. Photo by Guy Williams.
Fewer than a quarter of cabin owners affected by moves to extend Queenstown's CBD have told the Queenstown Lakes District Council what they plan to do with their cabins.

The leases of 77 privately owned cabins on the mainly council-owned Lakeview site, which is earmarked for a convention centre and other redevelopment, expire on September 30 with no right of renewal.

Despite the passing of a January 30 deadline, only 16 owners have told the council which of three options they prefer: remove or demolish their cabins at their own cost, arrange for the council to remove them for a $10,000 fee, or gift them to the council.

All but one of the 16 have decided to gift their cabins.

The other will remove their cabin.

About 15ha of land will be rezoned as town centre under the controversial plan change 50.

Public hearings were held in December and last month, and will wrap up later this month.

One cabin owner is accusing the council of ''skulduggery'' in its dealings with owners, and says the council is intent on taking over as many cabins as possible and renting them out at market rates until the land is redeveloped.

Council chief executive Adam Feeley said it would ''potentially'' rent out the cabins remaining on the site following a one-month grace period after September 30.

The rent received would offset the cost of removing the cabins before redevelopment began.

Tenants living in privately owned cabins might be able to continue as tenants under council ownership ''case-by-case''.

''We will discuss options with those parties.''

Mr Feeley confirmed the council had discussed with a party about moving some or all of the cabins to an alternative site to be rented out.

But it was ''most likely'' the cabins would not be moved until a redevelopment agreement was in place.

A Brisbane-based cabin owner, Lucy Bell, said despite continuing to receive rent notices, she had never received a letter from the council reminding her of her lease's expiry, or explaining the implications of plan change 50.

Other absentee owners had not received such letters, with the council having ''just stuck notices under the houses''.

She accused the council of ''skulduggery'' by deliberately keeping cabin owners uninformed, and of using bullying tactics when owners and tenants raised their concerns with council staff.

Ms Bell said she would demolish her cabin rather than give it to the council.

''If I leave my house here, they will rent it out for 400 bucks a week.''

Tenants now paying an average of $150 a week - many of them retired, low-wage workers or on welfare - could not afford the likely doubling of their rents, she said.

''The council might as well evict everyone and admit it.''

Council communications manager Michele Poole said the council wrote to all cabin owners in early December to remind them of the expiry date and explain their options.

A similar letter was delivered to the occupants of the cabins, she said.

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