The Queenstown Lakes District Council advised of the extraordinary full council meeting yesterday, to be held on Monday at noon.
Bridesdale is the first development in the district to have been confirmed as a Special Housing Area, established by Nick Smith, Minister of Building and Housing under the Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas Act 2013.
''The meeting will be held with public excluded ... on the grounds that withholding of the information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of deceased natural persons,'' the advisory said.
Bridesdale, a 38ha, 149-section subdivision near Lake Hayes Estate, was announced as the area's first SHA by Dr Nick Smith in June. At that time 64 sections or home packages were pre-sold.
The proposal was subject to a limited notification in August.
That notification said consent was sought to subdivide land to create 148 residential lots and one commercial lot, with construction of 146 dwellings and garden allotments, with a garden shed on each of the allotments.
It sought for the use of McBride Cottage as a cafe, the creation of an esplanade reserve, access allotments, associated infrastructure, roading, car parks, earthworks and landscaping.
An urban designer raised issues with the proposal, including the design layout.
Jasmax senior associate Edward Jolly said he had concerns about the ''risk of repetition'' and a lack of diversity along individual streets and pedestrian lanes in central blocks were ''problematic from a privacy, safety and practicality perspective''.
Bridesdale's consent hearing is scheduled to be held on October 20 and 21, at the Crowne Plaza in Queenstown.