It is hoped the opening night of the musical on June 14, sponsored by the construction industry, will raise about $10,000 of the $18,000 to $20,000 it costs to stage the school's annual production.
Grease, which musical director and Wakatipu High School teacher Alison Price said was chosen for its "wide appeal", involves 60 to 70 pupils. Board of trustees property committee chairman Wayne Foley said lead supporters so far were Placemakers' Matt Cleaver, Amalgamated Builders' Karsten Pederson, and Base Contracting.
Committee communication chairman Greg Turner said that due to Queenstown's isolation and the potential loss of skilled workers to the resort if families had to move for schooling, Wakatipu High's relationship with the community was important.
"The idea is that we are . . . identifying one night that we would promote for one industry and by doing that we have created an opportunity that involves getting a whole industry together for the event and, at the same time, it's recognition for how important our school is to our whole community."
There was also the opportunity for other business sectors to get involved and witness the school's "extremely talented" performing arts pupils in action.
"The music is good, the leads and singers are strong, we have a really enthusiastic community of singers," Mr Turner said.
"They are quite large events for the school. A lot of work goes into it, as we try to make it as professional as we can."