Bar seeking consent changes

Monty's Ltd is seeking to vary the conditions of its resource consent, allowing it to use the outdoor courtyard of its Church Lane bar until 11pm.

A publicly notified application said the original resource consent was granted in December 2002, permitting the sale of liquor between 11pm and 2.30am Monday to Sunday.

It included conditions restricting the use of the outdoor area after 10pm, and limiting noise emissions from Monty's Bar and Restaurant to 60dBA L10 to 10pm.

The proposed variation would see the same noise limit extended by one hour.

Another condition controlled noise through limiting it inside Monty's to "background level", being defined as allowing normal conversation at one metre from any speaker.

"It is proposed to delete this requirement . . . replacing it with the requirement that sound that is produced shall achieve compliance with noise levels specified . . .(60dBA L10)."

The final condition Monty's Ltd sought to vary restricted patrons using the outdoor area in its entirety after 10pm.

"It is proposed to change this restriction to 11pm, with an exception of up to 10 patrons being permitted to utilise a specific area for the sole purpose of smoking."

The applicant proposed a further condition be added to the consent, limiting the use of the outdoor area between 10pm and 11pm to the "principal purpose of dining in a restricted area".

Smoking would be permitted in that area until 11pm.

Submissions on the proposed variations close on February 24.


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