Alleged burglar arrested

A man who allegedly burgled a Queenstown house a fortnight ago has been arrested in Christchurch, after members of the public quickly identified him from photos taken during the break-in.

Senior Sergeant Paula Enoka, of Queenstown police, said the 24-year-old Christchurch man was arrested on Tuesday evening.

He was caught on camera after allegedly breaking into a London Lane property in the resort on December 29, while the owners were overseas.

The house's security system took photos of the man and sent them to an online server.

After a friend of the owners reported the break-in last week, the police released two of the images to the media.

Sen Sgt Enoka said the man was expected to appear in the Christchurch District Court yesterday, on three burglary charges.

Two charges related to alleged offending in Christchurch.

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