Violinist aims to play abroad

Eden Bradfield.
Eden Bradfield.
Eden is well on his way to Sweden, the start of what he hopes will be a national or international music career.

Eden Bradfield, a 17-year-old Waitaki Boys High School pupil, has raised almost $13,000 of the $20,000 he needs to pay for five months' study from January at Lilla Akademien School of Music in Sweden, under Stockholm-based violin teacher Hugo Ticiatti.

Since earlier this year, he has been trying to raise $20,000 for his study trip under the banner of "Eden to Sweden".

His mother, Caroline Bradfield, said on Wednesday Eden was grateful for the support he had received so far, including a concert earlier this month and a raffle.

Organisations, clubs and individuals had also assisted with donations and grants.

Eden is booked to travel on January 6.

He continues to fund-raise to meet the cost of his study.

That includes a concert organised by the Oamaru Garrison Band tomorrow at 2pm in the Waitaki Boys' auditorium.

He also has been asked to play at six events, some of which will help raise money.

Eden received the invitation by impressing Mr Ticiatti when they met last year.

Eden wants to be based in New Zealand, but travel the world as a musician.

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