The contestants will appear at the show carnival on Friday night, before judges Mark Wilson, Julie Lanigan and Myrla McGregor.
On Saturday, the winner and runner-up will be at the show in an ambassadorial role, presenting prizes and taking part in the grand parade. A junior show princess competition will be held that day.
On Friday night, other activities include dancing displays, a police dog display, sheep racing, a sheep rodeo, jelly-bean spitting competition and free hot rod rides.
On Saturday, the Full Throttle FMX freestyle motocross team will give displays and Waitaki Mayor Alex Familton and deputy mayor Gary Kircher will compete in a celebrity mower race.
A celebrity team has been confirmed to take part in the Otago Daily Times Charity Challenge. North Otago sportsman of the year Ross Hay, North Otago rugby identity Gerard McCarthy, mobile barista Alice Hore and publican and restaurateur Sally-Ann Donnelly will compete against two Top Town teams.