Union wants home for North Otago sports

A multipurpose building at the Whitestone Contracting Stadium to house North Otago sporting organisations has been suggested by the North Otago Rugby Football Union.

In a submission on the Waitaki District Council's 2009-19 long term council community plan, the union said facilities and grounds at the Centennial Park stadium needed improving and upgrading. A multipurpose sports administration centre at the stadium could house all rugby administration in North Otago, Sport Waitaki, a sports resource centre, indoor cricket training facilities, corporate and function facilities, a physiotherapy clinic, gymnasium training centre and serve as a headquarters for sports tournaments, union chief executive Colin Jackson said.

Lighting, which could cost between $50,000 and $70,000 and allow night games, was "of immediate and paramount importance".

"North Otago is the only provincial union in New Zealand that does not have the lighting to provide a night game of rugby," he said.

The union was not asking the council to pay for all the development, but wanted to work with it and other organisations to improve facilities.

Five Oamaru Intermediate School pupils asked for a hydroslide at the Waitaki Aquatic Centre.

They said it would make the centre a family destination and attract people to Oamaru.

They carried out a survey at the school and 70% wanted a hydroslide, 23% said "maybe" and 7% opposed it.

Of those surveyed, 44% would pay between $4 and $6 to use the slide and 42% between $1 and $3.

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