Trust plans review after arguments and threats

The Oamaru Whitestone Civic Trust's constitution is in for a major review, following controversy earlier this year about when new members could vote to elect trustees or at an annual meeting.

That led to arguments and the threat of legal action over the rights of new members.

Trust deputy chairman Phil Hope said yesterday membership was one issue that would be looked at, but the whole constitution would be reviewed.

There were "minor tweaks" to the constitution a few years ago, but there had been little change since 1989 when it was prepared to establish the trust.

"Even then, it was based on an old format," he said.

The overall aim of the review would be to make the constitution easier to understand as well as clearing up any ambiguities, including membership rights.

Members would also be consulted again on a final constitution before it was put to the trust's annual meeting in March next year for approval, he said.


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