Tourism plan funds bid fails

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A $3 million heritage tourism project, using high technology to portray stories of early Oamaru, has failed in its bid to obtain funding from the Ministry of Economic Development Enterprising Partnerships fund.

When Inside Victorian Oamaru was unveiled in August last year, it was suggested it could boost the local economy by $16.4 million over a five-year period, and create 43 jobs. A contingent from Oamaru travelled to Wellington to pitch the project to politicians.

Yesterday, Tourism Waitaki general manager Annabel Gudsell said the only recipient of the fund this year was the Cawthron Institute which received $1.69 million for its Glenhaven aquaculture research facility on the outskirts of Nelson.

In a statement, Ms Gudsell said the news had been disappointing for the committee members, who spent "a vast amount of time and effort" putting the proposal together.

While it was disappointing the venture had not been funded, she was pleased the Government had recognised the proposed Alps to Ocean Cycleway, and had earmarked $2.75 million for the venture.

"Currently the project is in feasibility stage. If this gets approved, it will increase our domestic and international visitors to the region. Our focus will now be on securing this fund", she said.

When contacted, Waitaki mayor Alex Familton, who was part of the contingent which travelled to Wellington, said he was disappointed.

The project was seen as being valuable and whether there were other ways to fund it was a question still to be answered.

"I'd like to think it's something we could resurrect," he said.

It was felt the project had been given good consideration. "I think we had expectations and we must have got very close," he said.


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