Talk tonight on scenic reserve

Graeme Loh.
Graeme Loh.
If you did not already know the Waitaki Valley was home to ''one of the rarest plants on earth'', you should after tonight, Department of Conservation (Doc) ranger Graeme Loh says.

Mr Loh said that as part of Conservation Week, he would deliver a talk at the Oamaru Public Library on the benefits of the Gards Rd scenic reserve.

The 20ha site between Kurow and Duntroon was made a reserve in February after it was bought with $200,000 from the Nature Heritage Fund.

He said the talk, at 6pm, would give people a chance to learn more about the reserve's rarest treasure - the critically endangered native broom Carmichaelia hollowayi.

''It is endemic to the Waitaki Valley, and really, the importance of the reserve is that it is one of three places where this plant grows.

It's one of the rarest plants on earth, with less than 60 individuals.''

The reserve, on a limestone outcrop, was also home to dolphin, whale and penguin fossils, some of which were 25 million years old.

''We bought the reserve for rare plants, but there is a whole of features and values at the reserve,'' he said.

He said the talk would also provide a chance to recruit extra help with ongoing efforts to eradicate the boxthorn pest plant, which competed with the reserve's native plants for space and water and could break the limestone cliffs apart.

''We have a day, on Tuesday next week, where people can come along and see the reserve and give a hand with rounding this boxthorn up so we can burn it.

''It will be a bit of a field day, with some hard work involved.''

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