Rural water schemes eye privatisation

Three rural water schemes' committees are looking at whether they should privatise them in a bid to take greater control over their supplies from the Waitaki District Council.

The council is discussing the future of four rural water supplies in the Corriedale ward - Kauru Hill, Windsor, Tokarahi and Awamoko - with scheme committees' representatives and will eventually involve consumers in any decision-making. The four schemes are worth about $8 million, service about 1150 people and cover an area of about 50,000ha.

Under the title of Combined Corriedale Water Supplies, they have been examining various options, including a single committee, to take greater operational control over their schemes.

That was originally discussed as part of the council's 2013-14 annual plan process and, since then, meetings between scheme representatives and council staff on the matter have continued.

Assets group manager Neil Jorgensen has told the council three of the schemes were keen to consider privatising. The fourth scheme was not in favour of that and was viewing other options.

That had changed from the original proposal and there was no clear option covering all four schemes.

Further meetings would be needed to clarify what proposals would be investigated.

Special legislation passed by Parliament would be needed to privatise any water scheme, he said.

The council has 21 urban (including Oamaru) and rural water schemes. Most rural schemes are overseen by committees, but with limited powers including contracting for maintenance.

The four Corriedale schemes wanted greater control, including carrying out their own maintenance with their own staff. However, the council would have to be satisfied any changes were understood and supported by consumers.

The first step would be to investigate options and prepare a consultation paper in conjunction with stakeholders for the community to have a say.

From that, a final report would go to the council for decisions.

The council set a three-month time frame for that process, about a month having already passed.


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