Road reopens after risky rock overhang blasted

A large rock overhang, posing a risk to motorists in Livingston-Duntroon Rd, has been blasted....
A large rock overhang, posing a risk to motorists in Livingston-Duntroon Rd, has been blasted. PHOTO: DAMIEN MCNAMARA
A section of road near Duntroon has been reopened nearly six weeks after a cliff face collapsed.

The Waitaki District Council reopened the section of road, between the junction of SH82 and in Livingston-Duntroon Rd, late on July 19 after delays lasting nearly six weeks.

Late last week, council placed shipping containers along the road edge, to mitigate the rockfall risk to road users below.

This enabled the road to be reopened to one lane on July 19.

Further work was then undertaken on July 23 in conjunction with the adjoining landowner, Kai Tahu, to address the overarching rockfall risk.

This involved blasting hundreds of tonnes of rock from a precarious limestone overhang above the road.

A council spokesman on Wednesday said there had been minimal disruption to road users as Whitestone Contracting undertook the work the day before.

However, some traffic restrictions on the affected section would remain for a while, pending further mitigation of the fragile geology at the site.

"There is still some rock scaling to be done on the rest of the hillside ... but it’s going to stay open now", he said

The council had worked closely with Kai Tahu to address sensitive aspects of the site, beneath the rock overhang.

This included carvings and drawings.

"We’ve had to be really sensitive", the spokesman said.

The blasting saw hundreds of tonnes of rock broken into smaller pieces before it was pushed off the edge.

Initially, the road was closed for four days early last month when up to 40m of the limestone bluff collapsed.

An initial geotechnical assessment saw the council reopen the road after four days, only for it to be closed again after a week.