Under a Ministry of Education statutory intervention since October 2014, the Oamaru high school has run two unsuccessful recruitment drives for the position of rector since December 2015. However, school commissioner Nicola Hornsey said yesterday she was "optimistic" an appointment would be announced in the middle of this month.
"It is an exciting time for the school," Ms Hornsey said.
Waitaki Boys’ third attempt to fill the rector position left empty when former rector Paul Jackson resigned last year was required after unsuccessful bids to fill the role last December and March.
Retired former Otago Boys’ High School principal Clive Rennie, who had placed his name on the ministry’s emergency principals list, was appointed as acting rector in January. After the failed bid to fill the role in March, Mr Rennie agreed to extend his stay at the school to a full year.
Ms Hornsey has consistently praised Mr Rennie’s contribution to the once-troubled school and has said the school’s position has become "much stronger" during his tenure.
The intervention began after concerns about pastoral care, communications, public relations, governance practice and employment issues at the school.