The council decided last month to replace the existing two units just north of its headquarters with new toilets on Ian Bennington walkway in Seddon Square further south, but that decision prompted an outcry, including a petition signed by almost 600 people.
"Considering the town's population is about 3000, that's a lot of people," Waimate Mayor John Coles said.
The new toilets could have cost about $200,000.
At Tuesday's council meeting, attended by about 40 people, Mr Coles wanted the council's decision to shift the toilets rescinded, and a report prepared on costs and options.
That idea was defeated.
Councillors then realised that left them with the original decision, and decided to ask staff to prepare a formal report on different sites, options for new toilets and accurate costs. An upgrade of the existing two units will be included.
Mr Coles was happy with the outcome.
He said the original decision to build new toilets on the Seddon Square site was not part of the meeting agenda.
The discussion had arisen from an item in a staff report, which led to the decision that caused so much controversy.
"We need to go back to where we should have been in the first place - a report and accurate costings, which will be part of an [meeting] agenda," he said.
Mr Coles did not know when the report would be ready, but doubted it would completed in time for for next month's council meeting.
The council had not considered upgrading the existing toilets.