The existing air discharge permit expires on April 30 next year and the group will apply to the Otago Regional Council for a new one before the end of October.
While it prepares the application, Alliance plans community consultation with neighbours and other affected parties and will hold a community consultation meeting.
It will also meet specific parties including iwi, Public Health South, the Waimate and Waitaki District Councils.
In a newsletter sent to interested and affected parties, Alliance said the air permit allowed for emissions to air, primarily odour, sulphur dioxide and particulate from all operations at the plant, including rendering, skin processing, the coal-fired boiler, stock yards, composting plant, wastewater treatment and irrigation of treated effluent to land.
A comprehensive technical assessment was being prepared, along with an assessment of environmental effects, to be lodged with the council.
The technical assessment will look at emissions from the plant, potential nuisance effects of coal storage dust, potential health effects from boiler emissions for various coal and carbon dioxide emissions from the boiler stack.
Other minor emissions including dust, vehicle, laboratory chemicals and refrigerant leaks will also be addressed.
Once the application is lodged, it is expected to be advertised calling for public submissions.