Three Dunedin men who allegedly vandalised the Palmerston public toilets on Sunday night were caught in the act by a Palmerston constable who was working late across the road.
Constable Stefan Whitehira was in the Palmerston police station about 11.30pm completing a report when he heard banging coming from the Palmerston public toilets across the main street from the police station.
When he looked out of the window he saw three men run out of the toilets and leap into a Mercedes-Benz car.
He said that when he stopped the car, the 18, 19 and 23-year-olds admitted smashing soap dispensers in the toilets.
They will appear in the Oamaru District Court on February 18 charged with wilful damage.
Prescription drugs were taken from the Waihemo Pharmacy in Palmerston when it was broken into about 1.30am on Saturday, a police spokesman said yesterday.
A large drain cover was thrown through a plate-glass window and a security door to the pharmacy was smashed to take various drugs, estimated to be worth about $1000.