Last-minute enrolments from people wishing to vote in the by-elections for the Ahuriri Community Board and Oamaru Licensing Trust are still being accepted.
Voting papers in the postal ballot are due to be mailed out this week.
Brent Cowles, Ross McLeod, Vicky Munro and Kathryn White will contest two vacant seats on the Ahuriri Community Board, while Peter Bond and John Howie will compete for the Oamaru Licensing Trust's Ward 1 vacancy.
Final votes have to be lodged with the Waitaki District Council at noon on February 11.
''If you haven't enrolled in time to get your voting papers in the mail, you can still enrol and cast a special vote,'' Waitaki electorate registrar of electors Carol Johnston said yesterday.
If voters thought they had enrolled but did not receive voting papers in the mail, they needed to update enrolment details and cast a special vote as well.
Enrolling or details could be updated on 0800 36 76 56, freetexting your name and address to 3676, at any PostShop or by requesting or downloading information from the elections website .
Anyone enrolling from now on would need to contact electoral officer David Blair at the Waitaki council to get information on how to apply to cast a special vote.