Norovirus outbreak 'has settled down'

Sixty cases of norovirus in the Oamaru area have been reported to Public Health South over the past month.

However, Public Health South's medical officer of health, Marion Poore, said yesterday no new cases associated with the outbreak had been reported since the beginning of the week.

Oamaru Hospital's emergency department had dealt with gastroenteritis cases on Tuesday and Wednesday, but, without laboratory testing, these could have been norovirus or something else such as food poisoning.

"As far as I am aware, the outbreak has settled down," Dr Poore said.

Oamaru Hospital nursing-quality co-ordinator Dawn Kidd said one person was due at the hospital yesterday suffering from dehydration after vomiting and diarrhoea.

She reported three people at the emergency department on Tuesday night with norovirus symptoms; and one on Wednesday.



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