No appeals yet on north bank scheme

Helen Brookes
Helen Brookes
With only a week to go, no appeals have yet been lodged with the Environment Court against a proposal by Meridian Energy Ltd to build a $900 million power scheme on the lower Waitaki River.

However, one opponent of the scheme - Waitaki First - is preparing an appeal.

Meridian wants to build the north bank tunnel concept power scheme on the north side of the Waitaki River between the Waitaki dam and Stonewall, near Ikawai.

Meridian received a final decision from ECan on December 19 granting four water-only resource consents for the proposed power scheme. Any appeals to the Environment Court against the decision close on January 30.

Waitaki First chairwoman Helen Brookes said yesterday the group had received legal and planning advice on ECan's decision which had identified areas of appeal. Dr Brookes had also identified some issues.

An appeal was being prepared based on professional advice and would be lodged before the deadline, she said.

Central South Island Fish and Game Council, one of the major opponents during the ECan hearings, has not yet decided whether it will appeal.

North Otago irrigation companies would not be appealing, spokesman Matt Ross said. They had opposed the scheme during ECan's hearings because of the effect it would have on the almost 100% reliability of supply of water for existing irrigators.

At a hearing in Christchurch just before Christmas agreement was reached between Meridian and the irrigation companies - including Lower Waitaki, Morven-Glenavy-Ikawai, Maerewhenua District and North Otago - to guarantee a reliable supply of water for the schemes.

Mr Ross said irrigators were "as happy as we can be at the moment" with that agreement and would not appeal.

North Bank Tunnel Hearings

• An interim decision by Environment Canterbury (ECan) on December 1 granted four water-only resource consents to Meridian Energy Ltd, applied for in October, 2006, to divert, take, use and discharge water for a new power scheme on the lower Waitaki River.

• A final decision on December 19 confirmed the granting of consents with modified conditions.

• Environment Court appeals are to be lodged by January 30.

• The $900 million north bank tunnel is to take up to 260cumecs of water from Lake Waitaki into a 34km tunnel between the Waitaki dam and Stonewall with one powerhouse generating between 1100GWh and 1400GWh a year.

• The ECan commissioners who heard Meridian's applications were former Environment Court judge Prof Peter Skelton (Christchurch), environmental consultant Mike Bowden (Kaiapoi) and freshwater scientist and ecologist Greg Ryder (Dunedin).

• Hearings were conducted in Timaru in 2007 and Christchurch last year.



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