New sites boost cellular service

One of two new cell sites installed in Oamaru recently, at Awamoa Park and in north Oamaru. Photo: Daniel Birchfield
One of two new cell sites installed in Oamaru recently, at Awamoa Park and in north Oamaru. Photo: Daniel Birchfield
A pair of ''new cell'' sites in Oamaru means Spark customers will not miss out on their mobile technology fix.

Spark has built two new cell sites, or towers, in the North Otago town.

One is beside State Highway 1, in north Oamaru, and another, also next to the highway, at Awamoa Park.

Spark corporate relations partner Samantha Smith said the infrastructure was needed to keep pace with demand, and complemented its other sites.

''Mobile and data connectivity was previously being delivered to Oamaru via two sites that were reaching capacity.

"This meant that as demand for services grew, the existing sites wouldn't have coped and users would have started to experience issues like dropped calls, loss of connectivity to services and coverage issues.

"Spark has therefore invested in new 'infill' sites to boost coverage and capacity in the area,'' she said.

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