New graduates bolster police ranks

Constables Nick Turner (left) and Michael White have recently graduated from police college and...
Constables Nick Turner (left) and Michael White have recently graduated from police college and joined the Oamaru ranks. Photo by Rebecca Ryan.
Thre recent graduates from the Royal New Zealand Police College have boosted numbers at the Oamaru station.

Constables Michael White and Regan Wilson were among 60 new constables to graduate from Wing 291 on June 25 and started working in Oamaru this month.

Nick Turner graduated from Wing 290 in May.

Const White is no stranger to the Oamaru station, having worked there casually as a jailer for about three years before training at police college.

''It took the surprise away from it. You get used to dealing with people at a time in their life when things aren't always looking good,'' he said.

''One of the advantages of working here before is you get to know who you're going to be working with.''

Const White studied botany at university, but most of his background is in IT.

Most recently he had been working as a website administrator for the Waitaki District Council.

He moved in 2005 from Auckland to Maheno, where he ran Maheno Towing.

Joining the police force had always been at the back of his mind, and when he applied last year, he was thrilled there was an opening in Oamaru.

''I just really enjoy living in [Oamaru] - it's a great place to bring kids up and part of joining the police is I want it to stay that way,'' he said.

He lost 29kg while training to be accepted into the police force.

''I was running in the morning, going to the gym at lunch time and going for a walk at night,'' he said.

''I went from being a slothful 46-year-old to a fit 47-year-old.''

Const Turner (40) has been working at the Oamaru station for about a month.

Given a choice of postings in Invercargill, Gore or Oamaru after graduation, he is glad he chose Oamaru.

''It's been awesome so far. I love it,'' he said.

Based in Dunedin, he spends the working week in Oamaru, returning to Dunedin to be with his wife on his days off.

Const Turner has worked as a builder and a business manager, and also spent 10 years coaching rugby in Australia and Canada, before joining the police force.

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