Need for more underpasses

Neil Jorgensen
Neil Jorgensen
More farmers may have to put in stock underpasses if the Waitaki District Council finally adopts a new code of practice for stock crossings.

Yesterday, the committee of the whole recommended the council go ahead with community consultation on a draft code of practice, which reinforces what is already in the council's roading bylaw covering stock movement and will provide guidance for farmers and council staff.

The draft details matters such as the roads where underpasses will be required and the amount of traffic on them, farms with herd numbers exceeding 600 and those with more than 10 stock crossing a month.

The number of roads requiring underpasses has been increased, which assets manager Neil Jorgensen said would lead to more underpasses being required within the next two to three years.

Already the council has consulted North Otago Federated Farmers and the North Otago branch of the Automobile Association while preparing the draft code of practice.

 Roading manager Geoff Young said the key issue for the code was safety and the provision of a framework to ensure roads were safe for all users.

It detailed the criteria to be used on deciding the form of stock crossing required and the standards to be met.

"The code has been produced to suit a range of users, particularly farmers, those considering dairy conversions and council officers," he said.

A final decision on the code is expected in October.



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