Most valley motorists well behaved

Police in the Waitaki Valley are reporting a quiet start to the festive season.

From December 27, extra Oamaru officers have been based at Kurow, Otematata and Omarama to cope with the influx of holidaymakers in the Waitaki Valley for the Christmas-New Year holiday.

Sergeant Blair Wilkinson said the Omarama Rodeo crowd was well behaved on Monday and the good behaviour had continued.

‘‘All drivers were breath-tested leaving [the rodeo] and no drink-driving was detected,'' he said.

‘‘There were good numbers at the [Omarama] hotel after, but no problems.''Police were also setting up a checkpoint outside the Kurow Racecourse last evening after the races finished.

There was a lot of traffic on State Highway 83 and police had issued a number of infringement notices for speeding, Sgt Wilkinson said.

‘‘There have been some impatient overtaking manoeuvres,'' he said.

‘‘I'd just remind road users of the importance of allowing plenty of time for their journey and not to be so impatient when there's so much traffic on the road.''

Traffic laws were being vigorously enforced and roadside breath tests were being carried out each day.

‘‘No drink-drivers have been picked up and everyone is getting tested, so we're happy that message is getting through,'' he said.

Sgt Wilkinson said the local fire brigade had been called to some campfires around the edge of one lake.

‘‘Just a reminder there is a fire ban in place and campers around the lake edge aren't permitted to have fires,'' he said.

‘‘There is a fire risk and that [ban] needs to be adhered to.''

The extra police staff will remain based in the Waitaki Valley until early January.


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