Meridian granted water for north bank scheme

Meridian Energy has been granted water for a new power scheme on the lower Waitaki River in an interim decision delivered yesterday by the Environment Court.

The Otago Daily Times understands that Meridian and parties involved in an appeal to the court, heard over 11 days in June and July in Oamaru and Christchurch, received an interim decision yesterday.

In it, the court has granted four water-only consents for the north bank tunnel concept power scheme Meridian wants to build at an estimated cost of about $1 billion.

The scheme would take up to 260cumecs of water from Lake Waitaki into a 34km-long tunnel between the Waitaki dam and Stonewall, with one powerhouse generating between 1100GWh and 1400GWh a year.

Details of the decision were not available last night, but it is understood it directs Meridian and parties involved in the appeal to work together to resolve issues the court identifies in wetlands and braided rivers management plans.

Environment Canterbury (ECan) granted the consents for the power scheme in December.

Five parties appealed to the Environment Court.

Four of the parties withdrew after mediation with Meridian settled the issues they had, leaving the Lower Waitaki River Management Society, Waitaki First and Dugald MacTavish, of Moeraki, pursuing the appeal.


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