Meeting with Linz to discuss ORC role

Stephen Woodhead.
Stephen Woodhead.
The Otago Regional Council (ORC) will meet  Land Information New Zealand (Linz) to discuss  the ORC’s role in administering the 10-year (2016-25) management plan for lagarosiphon at Lake Dunstan.

At the council’s meeting in Oamaru on Wednesday, chairman Stephen Woodhead said he had not received a response after seeking advice from Waitaki MP Jacqui Dean on how to gain more resources to help counter the pest plant.

But Mr Woodhead reiterated the ORC was not the lead agency in the effort. He had been  directed to approach government ministers for  more resources to help counter the  weed, he said.

This week, he said some thought should be given to the matter but  "the potential is there to step on some toes and cause some concern".

Linz announced in September it would implement the plan, in which the ORC is listed as one of nine groups in the Lake Dunstan weed management group.

About $100,000 was spent on the problem in the lake each year, which was split between Linz and Contact Energy.

Council director of environmental monitoring and operations Scott MacLean confirmed he had spoken to Linz about an update.

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