Man charged with theft of medals from RSA

World War 1 medals stolen about a year ago and offered for sale by a Wellington company were bought back by the Auckland family who had originally given them to the North Otago RSA.

The theft was reported to the Oamaru police by the RSA and a 64-year-old Oamaru man now faces one charge of theft of up to a value of $1200. He is on bail to appear in the Oamaru District Court on Wednesday.

Senior Sergeant Kevin Hooper said yesterday police were still making inquiries into the theft, including how many items had been stolen. The man charged with the theft was associated with the RSA.

The medals were originally in the RSA building in Oamaru.

The family who originally gave them to the RSA saw them being offered for sale by a Wellington company, which had bought them in good faith from a man during a road show and put them on the market, Snr Sgt Hooper said.

North Otago RSA president Peter Christian said yesterday the RSA realised the medals and other items could be missing about a year ago.

About six months ago, it received information that a set of medals was being offered for sale on the Internet. The RSA made further inquiries, including corresponding with the Auckland family and others. Once it had enough information, it reported the theft to police.

Mr Christian said the charges lifted the veil of doubt that had hung over everyone at the RSA.

"We are very pleased with the police response that brings some satisfaction to the families offended against," he said.


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