James White, who recommended in his report that consent be granted subject to 20 conditions, said the proposal would not compromise the lakeside amenity to a significant extent, and mitigation measures proposed would minimise any adverse effects, particularly those on the roading infrastructure and public access to the lake.
The subdivision resource consent application will be considered by the council's hearings committee on Monday.
The site was directly between State Highway 83 and the southeastern shoreline of Lake Aviemore, 3km west of Lake Aviemore dam.
The application was received in August 2006 and has been on hold at the request of the applicant in order for several outstanding issues to be resolved relating to water supplies, subdivision design and submitter concerns.
Those issues had now been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties, although Environment Canterbury had not withdrawn its objection nor provided written approval to the proposal, instead stating it would not be attending any decision-making hearing and would not oppose the application further.
The proposed development would result in the site being changed from undeveloped rough dry-land pasture to a site containing 17 dwellings, accessory buildings, servicing infrastructure, amenity landscaping and roading infrastructure.