Kurow man Bob Weatherston said he was "absolutely shattered'' when he discovered the town's replica Webb Ellis Rugby World Cup had been badly damaged on Saturday morning.
"The local police saw it intact about 9.30 on Friday night and this morning it has been wrenched off the stand on the top of the hay bales and badly damaged,'' he said.
The cup, which was due to be removed within the next three to four weeks was hastily repaired and replaced on its stand, but was still badly damaged.
"I am just gutted,'' Mr Weatherston said.
"It has stood on top of the hay bales in Kurow since the All Blacks won the cup and in an overnight act of total stupidity, it has been badly damaged.
"It not only affects Kurow, it affects everyone.
"Someone or some people should be very ashamed of themselves.''
Kurow is the home town of All Blacks captain Richie McCaw, although he was born in Oamaru.
The large hay bales, which featured a series of faces, were erected in the town early in the All Blacks' campaign to lift the Webb Ellis Cup.
They were later topped with the replica trophy.
- Jacquie Webby of the Oamaru Mail