Institute celebrates 75 years

Foundation member of the Glenavy Women's Institute Jessie Allnutt (left) lights a candle to the...
Foundation member of the Glenavy Women's Institute Jessie Allnutt (left) lights a candle to the past, with Glenavy president Jeanette Read (centre) and the branch's newest member, Rebecca Mulligan, at the 75th anniversary celebrations on Saturday. Photo by David Bruce
In 1933, a meeting in Glenavy decided to form a branch of the Country Women's Institute, and Jessie Allnutt was there.

On Saturday, she was the only surviving original member of what is now the Glenavy Women's Institute to attend its 75th jubilee celebrations in the Glenavy Hall.

Mrs Allnutt (92) recalled a CWI voluntary organiser, Josie Hurst from Waihaorunga, calling a meeting in the Glenavy Hall in the middle of July 1933 to discuss forming a branch in the area.

"There was a lot of interest from farmers' wives and daughters," she said.

Mrs Allnutt joined the new branch, and remained a member until 1945, when she moved to Waimate.

"A lot of women joined for the company - to beat country loneliness among women, particularly those that lived further away from towns," she said.

About 60 members, former members and visitors attended the 75th jubilee celebrations and lunch.


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