Inline skating racing today

Dylan Kennett. Photo: Gerry McManus.
Dylan Kennett. Photo: Gerry McManus.
Waimate Olympian Dylan Kennett and current world and European inline skating champion Elton de Souza are the two main drawcards for this year’s Waimate Caledonian Games, to be staged at Victoria Park today. 

The event will  feature highland dancing, solo  piping, cycling, track and  field athletic events and inline speed skating, while traditional events include  the much-loved caber toss, and gumboot and heavy ball throwing.

Waimate Caledonian  Society secretary Bernie  Blackgrove is  particularly  excited about the inline skating events, which will feature  de Souza, of France, brothers Krystof  and Simon Pravda, of the Czech Republic, and India’s Yogesh Pawar. The first event — children’s athletics — gets under way at 9.30am today.

Waimate staged its first  Highland Games in 1875 and they have been held every year since, including during  the two world wars.

At that time, Caledonian  societies were spread  across New Zealand, with  athletic  festivals held in most towns. 

Cash prizes attracted  distinguished competitors  from across New Zealand  and Australia, and crowds  flocked to the games.

- Oamaru Mail

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