An Oamaru woman who started a Givealittle page for the victims of Reed St's Boxing Day house fire says she has never met the family who lost "everything'', but the fire that gutted Helena Nelson's home on Tuesday was "a bit too close to home''.
Mary-Jane Kirkman said she had no relation to the Nelson family, but she knew "instantly'' she wanted to help.
"When I started the page I didn't know who they were, I've only just recently found out that her youngest child was in my son's class at school,'' Mrs Kirkman said.
"I live . . . literally the next street over and I just happened to be standing in the living room and I heard the fire (station) alarm go off. I just wandered out to the front of the driveway and I just saw the smoke -- this black column of smoke. And I knew that the house would be gone and just instantly thought I needed to help them.''
(The Oamaru Fire Station is roughly 300m from where the fire occurred.)
Ms Nelson's home was gutted by fire, her 17-year-old son was taken to hospital with burns to his face and arm, and her two young daughters, aged 6 and 10, lost their new Christmas gifts -- as well as nearly everything else the family owned.
Mrs Kirkman got hold of the family through social media after setting up the donations page and passed the family's details on to Givealittle so the money would go directly to the Nelsons.
At 2pm today, the page had attracted $729 and was open for donations until January 2.
"It's not really quick, but at least they know they've got a little bit of extra money coming,'' Mrs Kirkman said.
Nearby, a South Hill home has been established as a drop-off point for those wanting to donate clothing or other items.