Huge hike in rates 'bit of a shock'

Alistair Mavor
Alistair Mavor
Two fishing camps on the south side of the Waitaki River face massive rises in their rates following a change in policy by the Waitaki District Council.

Rates for the Kaik camp at the Waitaki River mouth with 45 homes could rise 868%, from $2625 a year to $25,416 next financial year.

The Waitaki Bridge camp, with 19 houses, on State Highway 1 just south of the Waitaki River bridge faces a 559% rise, from $1585 to $10,445.

The rates bills for both camps are divided between the houses.

At the Kaik camp, individual house rates would rise from $58 a year to $564 and at the Waitaki Bridge camp from $83 to $549.

Representatives from both camps yesterday met their council representative, Corriedale councillor Alistair Mavor, to get an explanation about the increases, which Waitaki Bridge camp secretary Clive Hayes described as "a bit of a shock".

They planned to make a submissions to the council's draft plan against some of the rises they would have to pay.

Cr Mavor also proposed that they submit the increases should be spread over a number of years, not in one hit.

Mr Hayes said both camps wanted an explanation about the reasons for the rise.

While the rise was "a bit of a blow", he felt Waitaki Bridge home owners could cope with it.

Until now, one rate and uniform annual general charge had been charged separately to each camp's organisation. That organisation then divided the rate equally among the home owners.

The council is proposing that, from the next financial year, each home at the camps will would pay a uniform annual general charge and ward rate.

That same policy will apply to other properties in the district that have one title but more than one home - for example several ownership flats on one title or several businesses in one building.

The uniform annual general charge pays for people-related activities.

For example, the cost of community planning on the Waitaki Bridge rate demand will rise to $1843 from $147, libraries-museums-gallery $2214 ($125), sportsground-gardens-parks $1291 ($109), recycling-waste minimisation $268 ($4) and landfills $593 ($5).



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