Environment Canterbury (ECan) senior engineering officer Bruce Scarlett will report on the effects of the floods to a meeting of the river liaison group on Wednesday.
The group includes ratepayer representatives, Meridian Energy Ltd, the Central South Island Fish and Game Council, and the Department of Conservation.
Mr Scarlett said yesterday the damage from flows of up to 1550cumecs on May 17 and another flood at the end of April would be considered by the group, which would look at funding and set priorities.
Damage was still being assessed because of difficulty in getting to some areas.
Most of the damage was minor, except in areas where the river broke through flood protection works and on to surrounding farm land.
There had also been areas of major erosion.
The flood flows were a result of Meridian releasing water from its storage lakes after heavy rain in the upper catchment.
Flows were now back to average daily levels, and yesterday at midday the Waitaki river was running at 340cumecs at Kurow.